Data Science Institute

DSI welcomes 115 new and returning affiliated faculty

This summer, DSI put out a call for Brown faculty from across the university to join our affiliated faculty. DSI accepted sixty-one new faculty affiliates this week and now hosts a community of 115 faculty affiliates whose research or teaching involves data or computational science.

On Friday, September 27, DSI Interim Director Suresh Venkatasubramanian welcomed our new affiliates with the following acceptance letter. See below for a full list of DSI's current affiliated faculty and their research interests. 


Dear colleagues, 

The Data Science Institute is excited to welcome our 115 new and returning affiliated faculty members. Thank you for taking the time this summer to share with us how your work incorporates data science and your interest in engaging with DSI. 

As an Institute, the mission of DSI is to stimulate innovation and support people aspiring to improve lives in our data-driven world. We aim to serve as a hub for data science education and research at Brown, connecting faculty across disciplines through data. We hope that our growing community of affiliated faculty members will serve as a space that will foster collaboration and connect like-minded researchers.

As a DSI affiliated faculty, you have been added to our website and affiliated faculty mailing list. We plan to host a mixer for our large community of affiliated faculty in November. Keep an eye out for more information about this event!

The following detail opportunities that we encourage you to engage with as a DSI community member:

  • Connect with colleagues
    • Attend DSI Affiliated Faculty events. We will host mixers for our affiliates a couple times throughout the year. Our next event will be in November (details to follow soon). 
    • Host a speaker at DSI. DSI can sponsor data-related talks for an interdisciplinary audience. Contact  
    • Host a data-related event. DSI can offer space and help with organization and publicity. Contact  
  • Share your work
    • Attend or give a Data Science, Computation, and Visualization (DSCoV) Workshop. These workshops are 1-hour skills based workshops. Topics range throughout data science, programming skills, and technology. Talks and workshops are offered by and for Brown staff, faculty, and students. Additional Information and Sign-Up.
    • Attend or give a Data Matters Seminar. Data Matters is a seminar series covering how data matters across the physics, biological, computational, and social sciences. Data Matters is intended to stimulate conversations and collaboration by bringing multiple perspectives to challenging data-driven problems. If you are interested in presenting your work through this series, contact 
    • Participate in our Data Science Across Disciplines Panel, November 12th. This panel, geared towards undergraduate and graduate students, will feature data scientists from a range of different disciplines and explore how data science informs each field and what data science career paths look like across disciplines. Contact Aspen Stuart-Cunningham( to participate. 
    • Attend Data & Donuts, a weekly informal space for our Data Science DUG to meet and chat with data science professors. Contact Anna Lapre ( or David Lubawski ( to participate.
    • Highlight your work in the DSI Newsletter. As a part of our weekly DSI newsletter, we highlight a different data scientist from across the university each week. The goal of this series is to emphasize how data science is used in many different fields and connect the data science community at Brown. Fill out this form to be highlighted. 
  • Work with Data Science Students
    • Work with a Data Science Fellow. The Data Fellows program offers a unique opportunity for students to collaborate with a participating faculty member to infuse data science tools and practice in existing undergraduate courses. Contact Linda Clark ( with inquiries. 
    • Host a Data Science Master’s student capstone project. The Master's in Data Science requires an experiential capstone project. Contact Shekhar Pradhan ( to find out more.
  • Incorporate Data Science into your curriculum
    • Participate in the Data Science Curriculum Design Institute at the Sheridan Center. The Data Science Course Design Institute (DSCDI) is a great opportunity for you to begin to develop new, or enhance existing, data science-related content in your course.

Upcoming DSI Events:

We look forward to welcoming you to our data science community at Brown and hope that we will see you all soon!

DSI Affiliated Faculty

DSI Affiliated Faculty work in diverse field across the university, incorporating data science into their research and teaching. Select a person below to learn more about how their work involves data or computational science.

DSI Affiliated Faculty


Learn about the dedicated faculty, affiliated faculty, staff, and students that make up the Data Science Institute community.
