Data Science Institute

Mara Freilich

Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics and Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences


I use mathematical modeling and observations to study the role of ocean and ecological dynamics in the climate system and biosphere with the aim of projecting and mitigating the impacts of climate change through a predictive understanding of the ways that components of the climate system interact across spatial and temporal scales. My research focuses on fluid dynamics, microbial ecology, nutrients in aquatic systems, and stochastic modeling. I use methods including theoretical analysis, numerical modeling, interdisciplinary observations, and community-engaged research.

How does your research, teaching, or other work relate to data or computational science?

My research involves adapting and applying statistical methodologies to study microbial ecosystem dynamics. My research also involves collaborations with social scientists and I am interested in mixed methods data science work. I am currently developing a course on climate modeling and use of climate model data, which I began developing as part of the data science course development institute.