In February, Data Fluency Certificate undergraduate students Sima Raha, Nazifa Qazizada, and Computational Biology undergraduate Hannah Beakley attended the WECode Conference at Harvard University, learning from tech industry leaders and connecting with fellow students.
This December’s Conduit issue, published annually by Brown’s Department of Computer Science, highlights the Center for Technological Responsibility, Re-imagination, and Redesign (CNTR)’s faculty and student research that recenters technology around human needs.
Provost Francis J. Doyle III announced that Brenda Rubenstein, Associate Professor of Chemistry and Physics, has been named the Director of the Data Sciences Institute (DSI), effective July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2028.
Second year PhD student Rui-Jie Yew was recently recognized as runner-up for Best Student Paper at the Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society (AIES) Conference in San Jose at the end of October.
On Friday October 18, DSI hosted Brown's first Women in Data Science (WiDS) Providence Conference, organized by DSI students and postdocs and featuring experts from data science industry and academia.
In the master of science degree program, students learn how to use data responsibly, giving local and global learners valuable training in responsible AI development and implementation.
On October 15, DSI launched a new Online Data Science Master’s program in collaboration with the Brown School of Professional Studies with a unique curriculum focused on policy, governance, and ethics in data science.
The Paragon Policy Fellowship, co-led by Brown senior Jenn Wang and advised by CNTR Director Suresh Venkatasubramanian, connects students to local governments to work on tech policy issues and plans to develop a playbook for building lasting talent pipelines.
This summer, DSI put out a call for Brown faculty from across the university to join our affiliated faculty. DSI accepted sixty-one new faculty affiliates this week and now hosts a community of 115 faculty affiliates whose research or teaching involves data or computational science.
Diana Freed joins Brown CS and Brown’s Data Science Institute as an assistant professor. Diana is involved in an emerging area of computer science focused on building and designing technologies specifically to improve online safety and well-being for vulnerable and marginalized populations globally.
A unique undergraduate class on data visualization and narrative taught this past spring thrills students and teaches valuable skills in data science and design.
Gianluca Brero, a DSI and CS postdoc who recently became an Assistant Professor at Bryant University, discusses his research on using real-world data and AI to improve the design and fairness of markets like Uber, AirBnB, mobile network license auctions, and sustainable energy.
Alden Bumstead, DSI’s Associate Director, is retiring after seven years at the Data Science Institute. She has shepherded DSI through its growth from a small program to a thriving Institute at Brown.
DSI became the Data Science Institute at Brown on July 1, 2023 after seven years as an “Initiative” and much hard work. We’re looking back at some highlights and the state of the Institute after a successful year.
Get to know Karianne Bergen, Assistant Professor of Data Science and Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences and DSI Director of Postdoctoral Engagement.
Get to know Suresh Venkatasubramanian, Deputy Director of the Data Science Institute, Professor of Data Science and Computer Science, and Director of the Center for Technological Responsibility, Reimagination, and Redesign.
DSI celebrates our 2024 graduating students with an Undergrad and PhD Lunch and a Master's Dinner during Commencement Weekend. Congratulations to our graduating students!
Each year, DSI awards a number of seed grants to researchers pursuing data science projects across the university. DSI recently announced the grantees of the 2024 Data Science Seed Grants @ Brown and celebrated the accomplishments of the 2023 grantees.
Held in Toronto, Canada, last month, the IEEE Conference on Secure and Trustworthy Machine Learning (IEEE SATML) focuses on expanding on the theoretical and practical understandings of vulnerabilities inherent to ML systems, exploring the robustness of ML algorithms and systems, and aiding in developing a unified, coherent scientific community which aims to build trustworthy ML systems. The event’s organizers recognized only two papers with their Distinguished Paper Award, and new research by Brown CS PhD student Victor Ojewale was one of them.
Two computational biology senior concentrators, Madeleine Pittigher and Smriti Vaidyanathan, are receiving awards from the Dean of the College for outstanding graduating seniors in the Computational Biology concentration.
This year's Deep Learning Day (actually held across two days due to large participation) showcased student projects across a myriad of fields, from computer vision to healthcare to art, and included many projects from DSI students.
DSI and CS Master’s students in Professor Roberta DeVito’s DATA2020: Statistical Learning class gathered at DSI for an engaging poster session on their statistical learning projects this week.
Brown University’s Dean of the Faculty gives out five different awards annually to recognize continued excellence in teaching, and this year, Brown CS and Data Science Institute faculty member Ritambhara Singh has received the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching for a junior faculty member from the physical or life sciences.
Congratulations to CCMB’s Ritambhara Singh (Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Data Science), Jeff Bailey (Associate Professor of Translational Research in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine), and David Rand (Stephen T. Olney Professor of Natural History, Chair of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology)!
Congratulations to DSI postdoc Cristina Menghini and Brown colleagues Stephen Bach (Assistant Professor of Computer Science) and Yong Zheng-Xin (PhD student in Computer Science)!
The inaugural discussion in a series convened by Brown’s Office of the Provost and Data Science Institute detailed the history of artificial intelligence and new questions generative AI is raising.
CCMB Ph.D. student Julian Stamp, a member of the Crawford Lab, gave a talk at the Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) conference in Lyon, France, in July.
Brown University recently became a member of the Public Interest Technology University Network (PIT-UN). PIT-UN fosters collaboration between universities and colleges to build the field of public interest technology and nurture a new generation of civic-minded technologists. This
Speaking before a U.S. Senate committee on the risks and opportunities of artificial intelligence, computer scientist Suresh Venkatasubramanian urged lawmakers to establish regulations to govern AI-based systems.