The Brown University Financial Report for fiscal year 2021 (which ended June 30, 2021) highlights the exciting work in data science happening on campus in the “Making an Impact" section.
The COBRE Center for Computational Biology of Human Disease is advancing the use of computational tools among biomedical scientists at Brown, helping them unlock new insights that could ultimately benefit patients.
About one year ago, DSI announced a new interim director, Sohini Ramachandran. Today, we are happy to announce that Professor Ramachandran is officially Director of the Data Science Initiative. Below is Provost Locke's email announcement.
It's no secret that data has become an unavoidable part of daily life. Between online messaging, electronic business records, social media, and other forms of both passive and active data collection, our personal, everyday stories are chronicled by the internet of things around us.
The Brown Data Science Initiative is pleased to announce the appointment of Andras Zsom to the position of Director of Industry and Research Engagement and Assistant Professor of the Practice in Data Science, effective August 16, 2021.
A new study shows that mathematical topology can reveal how human cells organize into complex spatial patterns, helping to categorize them by the formation of branched and clustered structures.