Gaetano Barone
Gaetano Barone completed his Ph.D. in top quark physics at the University of Geneva (Switzerland) and, consequently, he held appointments at Brandeis University and Brookhaven National Laboratories. After a long tenure with the ATLAS Collaboration, he joined the CMS Collaboration with his appointment at Brown University.
Throughout his research, he made an important contribution to the success of the wider particle physics research program in the sectors related to the Higgs boson, electroweak interactions, and Top quark. He focuses specifically on the electroweak properties in the Higgs sector in the massive diboson decay channels. Besides guiding and coordinating several analysis efforts from start to publication in the Higgs and electroweak sectors, Gaetano Barone held high-level coordinator positions within the international collaborations whose responsibility involved setting and executing the directions of the Collaboration’s physics program.
How does your research, teaching, or other work relate to data or computational science?
As a particle physicist I analyze large amounts of data produced at the Large Hadron Collider and other experiments. Data reduction techniques is at the core of our work for the statistical inference process of estimating fundamental quantities of the sub-atomic world. Machine Learning becomes evermore ubiquitous in our field with cutting-edge techniques used to assist our data reduction and inference process.