DSI became the Data Science Institute at Brown on July 1, 2023 after seven years as an “Initiative” and much hard work. We’re looking back at some highlights and the state of the Institute after a successful year.
Each year, DSI awards a number of seed grants to researchers pursuing data science projects across the university. DSI recently announced the grantees of the 2024 Data Science Seed Grants @ Brown and celebrated the accomplishments of the 2023 grantees.
Stephen Bach (Assistant Professor of Computer Science) and Jonathan Pober (Assistant Professor of Physics), along with colleagues at the University of Washington, have been awarded a Collaborative Research grant from the National Science Foundation
The COBRE Center for Computational Biology of Human Disease is advancing the use of computational tools among biomedical scientists at Brown, helping them unlock new insights that could ultimately benefit patients.
The DSI has awarded its first Data Science @ Brown research grant to a project entitled "A Quantitative Measure of Freedom of Assembly," a collaboration between Jesse Shapiro of Brown’s Department of Economics, Yusuf Neggers (Michigan), and Mehdi Shadmehr (Calgary and Chicago).