Data Science Institute

Shekhar Pradhan

Lecturer and Director of Industry and Research Engagement


Shekhar Pradhan holds a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Maryland, College Park, and a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He has taught computer science, data science, and philosophy at a number of universities, most recently at Columbia University in their Applied Analytics program. He has also founded three start-ups over the years, leveraging his expertise in machine learning and natural language processing. Currently, his research focus is on investigating strategies for incorporating linguistic knowledge in deep learning frameworks for natural language processing.

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News from DSI

Shekhar Pradhan Joins DSI Faculty

DSI's newest Lecturer, Shekhar Pradhan, started at Brown July 1 and is taking on the role of Director of Graduate Studies as well as teaching our existing DATA 1050 (Data Engineering) and a new course on text analytics (coming spring 2023).
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